King's Park Academy

Religious Education

At King’s Park Academy, our Religious Education (RE) curriculum fosters understanding, respect, and appreciation for a diverse range of beliefs, practices, and traditions. Within our Cornerstones Curriculum projects, through an engaging and immersive approach, pupils explore six world religions, gaining insight into their values, rituals, and celebrations while developing a deeper understanding of their own place in a diverse and interconnected world. 


  • Comprehensive Study: The curriculum covers six world religions—Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism—providing children with a broad and balanced understanding of global faiths. 
  • Festivals and Celebrations: Religious festivals and celebrations are central to our curriculum, offering pupils opportunities to explore the significance of key events and how they are observed in different traditions. 
  • Adaptability to Local Frameworks: Our curriculum is flexible and adaptable to align with local SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) frameworks, ensuring relevance to our community. 
  • Immersive Resources: Children engage with religious objects, practical resources, and rituals to gain a first-hand understanding of worship and religious practices. 
  • Engaging Approach: Lessons are designed to be interactive and thought-provoking, encouraging curiosity and respectful discussions about religion and belief systems.

Please note that Parents  have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of Religious Education (RE) studies. Please contact the office and a Vice Principal will make contact;